For many centuries one has dreamt of creating a motor using the force of the magnetism of the permanent imams.
But until time very recently, in fact not more than one decade, they were discovered the techniques, for the manipulation of the magnetic fields and to induce them, or to alternate them.
With these new techniques they will be been able to manufacture light high-powered and ultra motors, in view of the discovery of a great quantity of metallic and amphoteric
alloys that they have estates and very appropriate behaviors for these purposes.
Especially I will make reference to a metallic alloy,
that even being of not more than a millimeter of thickness, he/she has the equivalent magnetic concentration to a giant imam or electro-magnetic, and it is so powerful that applied in motors with aluminum structure high-powered true propellers they could be obtained and of very high revolutions, with pesos extraordinarily ultra light.
The loss of the magnetic capacity of the imams is almost null even to the step of many years of use, mainly in the new discovered alloys, but however this serious one the problem easier of solving, in the event of it finishes instance, because in less than 1 minute they are loaded to its good point again, with an appropriate magnetizer, the one which very well can be a small homemade apparatus, but this it would be used so little that serious a lot but appropriate and convenient to attend a specialized, alone shop when it is required, preferably. Good but him but interesting of the matter, it is that these motors rotate, without the necessity of any energy
type that impels them and they can move any terrestrial or air vehicle.
Or to move any it schemes eternally, well this of eternal! Serious modulated by the quality of the materials, mainly of the bearings types and their good characteristics, as well as they would be it the use of fatty with estates highly protectors, and or the stamp of the receipt of the bearings.
Entering in matter will give the explanation of the several elementary principles for the setting in March of a motor of imams; firstly we will begin with the inductive mechanics, and for I finish with the high-technology denominated MICROHIONICOS.
These laws of transfer of the energy between the different dimensions or planes of the behavior of the matter to which are denominated in cascade, make reality the functionality of motors with permanent imams.
The logic determines that so that he/she is carried out the movement, alternation should exist inside the magnetic fields.
Sew this that in the electric current of the cities, this form present in a fixed order of 60 Cps of alternation.
Let us have present that The motors but communes in its majority is of magnetic induction because they work for this alternation.
And those also communes motors of coal that don't require of the alternation of the electric line contrary to those of induction, because themselves alternates it and they generate it for if same, and well they can work with direct current, but neither it affects them certainly the alternation of the net, those that are designed for this double function. Since there are certain designs of motors of coal that don't accept the alternation of the net and they are purely of current it continues.
In our case we will present the operation motors with permanent imams, in the order of several application systems, beginning with the simplest and then with the most sophisticated.
1 - The first principle of understanding to be able to understand the serial logic is having it presents the following;
2 - all imam for but intense that is their magnetic field, it is completely blocked for the presence of a simple thin sheet it
is this way of a microscopic thickness, let us corroborate; let us put on approval 2 imams with same polarities that are repelled powerfully and let us interpose a sheet, the but thin possible among them, and we will see then like it disappears the repellent interaction totally, and rather they stick both to the same sheet without any obstacle and interference.
3 - This means that the lines of force of the magnetic field are total he/she mentions blocked with great easiness.
4 - Also as the magnetic field it can be blocked this same sheet it can also induce the magnetic field or to drive him in different addresses, and even according to the structural disposition of a mechanism, it can modulate the intensity of the flow of the magnetic field.
5 - in the case I specify of the TECNUS 1 they have combined induction and address in an open or constant flow for the disposition from a system to which has been called and denominated GRILLET OF BLIND, which are prepared asynchronously in 2 pieces of couple grillets, clearly the main grillet is between both the abettor and direcciónador of
the magnetic flow magnetic fields of between the fixed one and the motive, and to which has been denominated the grillet {TO}.
6 - the material of this blind grillet should be of a towering factor [Q] of induction diamagnetic to be able to achieve its function of to induce and to drive flow with effectiveness, it will also be encapsulated tightly, and even plasticized in resin where all the ínterespacios is stuffed obtaining a single solid piece that could have a minimum layer on the side of the rotor but for above for where it travels the grillet {B} it should be perfectly flat so that this he/she makes contact with the metal.
7 - So that the earth particles or powder don't affect them.
8 - the second grillet the {B} it is the one that takes charge of regulating the magnetic flow from zero until their maxim it potentializes, which has the virtue of to light and to begin the rotation of the motor, to control their speed and to turn off it when it is necessary.
9 - this mechanism is the but simple and simple, but however in spite of being an operative mechanic he/she could give indefinite service of very high-performance, high security, great reliability that is to say something that doesn't break down in spite of its simplicity, that which after all could mean a product of very high quality and dependability.
10 - In the drawing N - 1 will be able to see in detail the blind grillet something very simple truly but that it requires of the technology of the micro mechanics for their production, being the most important thing the precision.
11 - although it is incredible and you grieve he/she can conceive, with the simple slip of less than a millimeter of the blind grillet {B} it can light the motor and to control a wide range of power or speeds of their rotation, therefore the care in the micro-mechanism of the displacement, is of vital importance, since which will translate to a corporal language but I expand and appropriate for its easy manipulation.
12 - the rest of the motor is very well-known technology and it was not spoken so of the matter he/she can it turns in the planes the very clear particulars.
The tecnus 2 are a motor that also uses blind grillet {TO} but motive, with double width that the imams, and it is of sheet of a single piece without grooves for imam, their rotation speed is double that of the rotor coupled for you gear and it rotates contrarily to the rotor.
The spaces among imams are of the same width that the imam, the imams are narrow and they are numerous in a motor.
The grillet {B} it is of the same width that the imams
With which the magnetic flow of the same ones is controlled, for the control of the speed and the power, as well as of its ignition and out.
The tecnus 3 have the following ones characteristic; the interspace among imams is 50% of the size of the imam.
A motor can contain from 12 to 24 surrounding imams in the rotor and the same quantity in the fixed abettor, which are, stuck to the carcazze.
The blind grillet {TO} he/she has mobile and concave individual blinds that are located in the corners of each one to be able to open up or to close, each blind it is from 3 to 4 mm wide they are all couple ones to the carcazze of the motor among the revolving imams and the fixed ones encapsulated movies of aluminum sheet or plastic tightly between two with the enough space to be able to open up and to close
with a minimum of opening enough and necessary to allow to pass the magnetic flow, these measures of blinds are for this size adapted in the pattern that we present, they can also vary porcentualmente according to the sizes of the motors, but in anything it would affect to maintain the same blind size for any capacity of big or small motors.
The control and closed of the blinds they are made by a mechanism of a rotational disk with gradients that you/they go closing the blinds with ½ centimeter of advance to the arrival of the mobile imam when he/she leaves coupling to the fixed imam and they square exactly, it is here in this point in that all the windows open up to the unison abruptly allowing to pass the magnetic flow, impelling this way to the rotor, this disk is in fact a levy system coupled to the selvages of the blinds and the one which this together to the axis of the rotor.
The differences of the levy disk are so imperceptible that they are for the order of the ½ millimeter and the movement of the opening and closed of the blinds it is almost microscopic and imperceptibility
The fourth motor of simplicity here alone we will give the theory of their operation; this method also uses
3 GRILETS OF BLIND Equally, but in this case 2 are revolving and they rotate both in opposed sense the one of the other one, the third are the one that controls the intensity of the magnetic flow which is worked manually and their blind width is the same width of the width of the fixed imam, the disposition of the imams it is of more distance, reaching the separation among them with the same longitude of the width of the imam, as much for the fixed ones as for the newspapers.
THE 2 GRILLETS OF revolving BLIND of this model has quite wide their grills, being of the size of double the width of
the imam among both grills, when these they are closed, but in fact each one has the width of 1-1/4 of the width of the imam.
Inside their rotation these they open up for half of the imam when the mobile imam this exactly in parallel with the fixed imam, but for it these grills should rotate to double the speed that that of the mobile imam, and the mechanism that works them is a system of you gear willing appropriately, both synchronized with the movement rotational of the axis of the rotor.
THE TECNUS 5 This is the technology but modern for the commuted of magnetic fields will describe the structure of the MICROHIONICOS here.
The advance of the study of the estates of the glasses is worldwide the base of the tip technology. Since it is the origin of the development, of the intelligent electronics, and the expansions for future civilizations.
The glasses are silica and they can be treated with special metals acquiring this way estate
Electronic of controlled conductivity that well can commute flows of ions and high-powered electrons with almost imperceptible microscopic loads.
In our case the nets microhiónics are bathrooms of structures; I steel, cilice, titanium and gold that work like a net P.N.P. prepared in different layers with intermissions of I oxidize which work as mediators controllers among the semiconductors. All developed one on of a sheet of steel stainless quality 316 of 0.2 mm of thickness which is intermediated between the imams of the rotor and the stator.
In fact this it is the suplantatión of the blind grillets that have the same action that them, but the great difference is the yield, since these they can be optimized until 100% of the total of the use of the magnetic capacity.
This unit of magnetic control has an entrance and a connection exit the one which with a very small load of some milivolts varies the molecular structure and the estates of the metal to the one which this stuck converting i
in a piece diamagnetic in millionth of second passing of being a metal non-magnetic to diamagnetic to reason of frequencies controlled by the rotation of the motor in
question, being able to vary the commutation of their exchanges according to the revolutions for minute programmed by an electronic circuit of annexed control that in turn this fed one for the load of a generator type that these motors of permanent imams bring incorporated by the new technology.
If it can incorporate in generator of 12v - 24v - 48v - in direct voltage and in alternating 120v as something extra, with the new compact ultra system that doesn't subtract him power to the motor in the most minimum thing is this way in short the exits of the generator this it doesn't interfere in the power neither in the revolutions of the motor.
Contrary to the rest of the generators that with the most minimum load a retrospective inertia is believed.
The new system microhiónic has the great advantage of taking advantage of to 100% the magnetic power of the yield of the motor, contrary to the tecnus 1 that loses until 35%
Of their total capacity, representing 65% maximum of utility, this is due to the characteristics of their system, the tecnus 3
have a yield of until 80% but the other ones don't surrender but of 50%.